Begin by making the Chicken Parmesan: Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. For the sauce: In a Dutch oven, heat the olive oil on low heat and add the tomatoes, one teaspoon of the garlic, sugar, a tablespoon of the oregano, chicken stock, a half teaspoon of the kosher salt, and a quarter teaspoon of the red pepper flakes. Simmer this while you fry the chicken.
Split each breast in half, so that you have four thin cutlets. Using a meat pounder, pound them a bit thinner. Prepare a dredging station with three bowls: fill the first bowl with the flour and a quarter teaspoon each of the salt and pepper. Fill the second bowl with the eggs. Fill the third bowl with the breadcrumbs, a quarter teaspoon each of the salt and red pepper flakes, a tablespoon of the garlic, the herbs, and the Parmesan.
Heat a cast iron skillet with a quarter inch of the vegetable oil on medium high heat. The oil is ready when a small piece of chicken sizzles immediately. Dip each piece of chicken in each of the three bowls- starting with the flour and ending with the crumbs. Fry two cutlets at a time until they're golden brown on each side and cooked through. Drain the chicken on a wire rack over a baking dish.
While the chicken fries, begin cooking the fettuccini and making the sauce: In a large skillet melt the butter. Stir in the cream, garlic and chicken stock. Simmer for six minutes, until the cream thickens. Stir in the tomatoes, kale, salt, pepper, lemon juice. Stir in the drained fettuccini and keep warm.
Top the chicken with a few tablespoons of sauce for each cutlet. You can freeze the rest of the sauce. Top each cutlet with some mozzarella cheese, and bake just until the cheese melts, for about five minutes. Garnish with basil.