Preheat the oven to 350° and butter a 9 by 13 ceramic casserole.
In a 3 quart saucepan, combine the heavy cream, milk, and sugar. Heat on low heat and stir until the sugar dissolves, in about 5 minutes. Remove from the heat.
Add the bittersweet chocolate and whisk the mixture until it is lump free.
In a mixing bowl, whisk together the egg and egg yolks. Slowly add the cream and chocolate mixture, and the coffee. Then, stir in the bread.
Pour everything into the buttered casserole. Cover with foil, and bake 40 minutes. Take off the foil, add 1 cup of raspberries and bake 10 more minutes.
While the pudding bakes, puree the other 2 cups of raspberries, and then push them through a sieve to strain out the seeds. Put the strained berries into a bowl and mix in the creme fraiche.
Serve the pudding warm, with the raspberry creme fraiche poured over the top.